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2025 Global Tax Form Information

Here are some important dates regarding W-2s. Rest assured, we will communicate these to workers, too:

W-2s are made available for US workers prior to the end of January.

All workers can (and are encouraged to) access their W-2s securely and electronically via WebCenter.

For workers who requested mail, W-2s will be mailed out by the end of January.

If workers have questions after receiving their W-2, they can contact their Global Account Manager or email

Depending on their question - and if it’s specific to their unique tax situation or eligibility - we may direct them to contact a licensed tax professional to review their full scenario.

What About Tax Forms for Our Global Workforce? 

Each country has a unique tax deadline. In some countries, forms are actually issued by the government whereas others are issued by the employer. Below is an overview of when forms can be expected for certain popular locations:


T-4 forms will be available by the end of February 2025.

United Kingdom

P-60 forms will be available by the end of May 2025.

New Zealand

Tax forms are issued by the government to workers.


Tax forms are issued by the government to workers.

All Other Locations

Tax forms will be issued within the deadlines set by each country’s tax office, or through the government office directly, if applicable.

If workers have questions regarding their tax forms, please advise them to contact their Global Account Manager or

Australia's Right to Disconnect

Early this year, lawmakers in Australia passed a Right to Disconnect law, allowing workers to avoid responding to work-related communications after work hours. The country joins a list of countries including France, Italy, Spain, and Canada putting work-life balance at the forefront of modern culture with its seemingly unending business demands and societal pressures to be productive and connected 24/7.

How the Law Affects Workers and Employers

The law does not prohibit companies from attempting to reach workers after hours but instead aims to protect workers’ free time.

Beginning August 26, 2024, companies with 15 or more workers must comply with the law, which states that workers “have the right to refuse to monitor, read, or respond to contact (or attempted contact) outside their working hours, unless doing so is unreasonable.” Companies with less than 15 workers will be required to comply with this regulation effective August 26, 2025.

Employer Guidelines for Compliance

According to the Fair Work Commission (FWC), Australia’s independent national workplace relations tribunal, compliance with a worker’s right to disconnect means the company is encouraged to discuss after hours contact and setting expectations that fit the role within the business.

Further, the company will be required to consider several factors when determining whether a worker’s refusal is unreasonable, including the reason for the contact, how the contact is made and the level of disruption to the worker, how much the worker is compensated or paid extra for being available to perform work during the period they’re contacted or working additional hours outside of their ordinary working hours, the worker’s role in the business, and their personal circumstances, and other matters necessary for making the determination.

Additionally, contact or attempted contact that is required by law will be considered reasonable, and the worker’s refusal will be deemed unreasonable. Workers paid an on-call allowance receiving contact from the company to give notice of being called into work may be required to respond to contact outside their working hours.

Right to Disconnect in Australian Workplace Awards

All Awards in Australia now include a right to disconnect clause. The awards may also now clarify how the worker’s right to disconnect operates with emergency changes, stand-by or call-back clauses outlined in the award.

Resolving Disputes and Non-Compliance

Non-compliance and disputes regarding the worker’s right to disconnect must first be addressed between the worker and the company. If not resolved successfully, then the Fair Work Commission (FWC) will review the dispute, which can result in the company being fined and/or ordering a worker to respond if the FWC finds the refusal to connect unreasonable.

Australia’s Role in the Global Work-Life Balance Movement

Australia is following the lead of other countries aiming to protect workers’ free time by actively addressing the sometimes-fine line between work and life, by providing this protected workplace right to disconnect to workers.

How TCWGlobal Can Assist Your Business

TCWGlobal can help you navigate through new employment legislation in Australia along with employment contracts, workforce flexibility, and risk mitigation, tailored to your unique business requirements. Contact us today at or email us at to explore how we can help your organization thrive in today's work environment. Let TCWGlobal assist with all your contingent workforce needs in Australia!

Learn More about Australia’s Right to Disconnect

For further information on the Right to Disconnect in Australia, please visit: Fair Work Commission.

UK's New Harassment Duty

New Duty to Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in the United Kingdom Now in Place. 

Effective October 26, 2024, UK companies saw updates made that will require the business to take steps in preventing harassment in the workplace. These steps are part of a broader effort to combat workplace discrimination and harassment under the Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023.  

 TCWGlobal works hard to stay up to date with this guidance and any potential changes, to keep you informed and assist with compliance! TCWGlobal is committed to working with our clients to assist in preventing sexual harassment from happening in the workplace. Here's a quick summary of what is now required under the eight-step plan for all companies 

  1. Develop an effective anti-harassment policy 
  2. Engage your staff 
  3. Assess and take steps to reduce risk in your workplace 
  4. Reporting 
  5. Training 
  6. What to do when a harassment complaint is made 
  7. Dealing with harassment by third parties 
  8. Monitor and evaluate your actions 

As your partner for employment in the United Kingdom, we are happy to share that TCWGlobal has implemented updated compliance training to our workers. We'll provide workers with the training on time, so that's one less thing to have on your list.  

 If you have any questions about this update, or anything else about employing a contingent workforce in the UK, let's TCWGlobal help! You can review our UK Hiring Guide here and contact our team at  

Canada Sick Leave

Ontario: Ontario employers are now prohibited from requiring employees to provide a medical certificate for unpaid sick leave taken under Section 50 of the ESA. Employers may still require an employee who takes sick leave to provide evidence reasonable in the circumstances that the employee is entitled to the leave, but this must not include a medical certificate: Source: Lexology

Quebec: In Quebec on October 9- Bill 68, An Act mainly to reduce the administrative burden of physicians (Bill 68),  which, in particular, amends the Act respecting labour standards (“ALS”) was implemented. Bill 68 now provides that for the first three periods of absence of three (3) consecutive days or less, due to illness, an organ or tissue donation, an accident, domestic violence, sexual violence or a criminal offence, [3] the employer may not request a document attesting to the reasons for the absence. Source: Quebec- Sick Note Article .

Ontario also has updated it’s definition of Harassment with Bill 190Working for Workers Five Act, 2024, under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”): The definitions of “workplace harassment” and “workplace sexual harassment” in OHSA now explicitly capture harassment conducted “virtually through the use of information and communications technology,” such as email, phone, or video chat.” Source: Lexology

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