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California Pay Transparency Reporting?
We Got You.

The deadline to submit pay transparency reports in California is coming up quickly - May 8, 2024. Rest assured, TCWGlobal has the reporting you need to stay compliant with your contingent workforce. The Labor Contractor Report, pre-filled in with your TCWGlobal workers, is available through WebCenter. Read below to learn more! 
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Overview of Reporting Updates

Check out our blog article explaining reporting requirements, but here is a quick summary of the recent changes and clarifications:  

CRD Pay Reporting Templates

The California Civil Rights Department (CRD) has released standardized templates to use for reporting. In addition, companies must report on both their internal workforce (using the “Payroll Employee Report”) and all workers employed through a third party/staffing agency like TCWGlobal (using the “Labor Contractor Report”). 

Remote Worker Reporting

The data must include remote workers. To be considered remote, the worker must not be expected to report in person to a physical establishment regularly.

The template specifically asks about:  

  • The number of employees who work onsite in CA.  
  • The number of remote employees located inside of CA.  
  • The number of remote employees located outside of CA but assigned to a CA establishment.  

Demographic Reporting

Employers cannot list “unknown” to race/ethnicity/or sex.

It’s preferred for employees to self-report these during onboarding; however, employers can no longer mark “unknown”, even if an employee does. Thus, employers should make their best guess.  

Download a Report of Your TCWGlobal Workers from WebCenter Today!

The deadline for companies to submit their data to the CRD May 8, 2024, but we’ve made it easy to be ahead of that date.

To access your TCWGlobal worker data, follow the quick steps below:

  1. Log into your WebCenter account.

  2. Select the “Reports” tab and locate the “CA Pay Transparency Report.”

  3. Enter a one-week period of your choosing between 10/01/2023 - 12/31/2023.

  4. Export the result to an excel file on your computer, and add any additional Labor Contractor Employees outside of TCWGlobal.

  5. Follow the instructions on the CRD portal to submit. (Remember, there’s a separate report for internal payrolled employees.)

We're Here to Help!

We know all too well how tricky complying with employment laws and requirements can be (especially in California), and we are happy to have this report available for you. If you aren't utilizing TCWGlobal for your California workers, we hope resources like this may interest you to do so in the future. We've got your back in all the complexities that California has to offer and would love the opportunity to serve you more!

If you have any questions or need help to access this report, please contact your TCWGlobal Account Manager or A member of our team will be happy to assist you!

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To read more about California Pay Transparency, read TCWGlobal’s blog post or visit the CA CRD website.

More Pay Transparency Resources

Pay Data Reporting

Instructions on salary data submission

Contractors & Transparency

Navigating new pay transparency rules for federal contractors

Pay Transparency 101

An in-depth look at pay transparency

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