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2024 *Cough Cough* - Do You Know About All the 2024 Sick Leave Updates?

Written by TCWGlobal | May 30, 2024 6:00:00 PM

Looking for a quick reference guide for 2024 leave developments across different states? We’ve got you covered! 

Quick Overview Summary 


California Paid Leave 

Effective January 1, 2024, the annual amount of California Paid Sick Leave was raised from three days (or 24 hours) to five days (or 40 hours) for eligible employees. The California Paid Sick Leave accrual cap also increased from 48 to 80 hours. 

Chicago Paid Sick Leave 

Effective July 1, 2024, workers will earn 1 hour of paid sick leave and 1 hour of paid leave for every 35 hours worked. Usage begins on the 30th calendar day of employment. Workers may accrue 40 hours per year of Paid Leave and 40 hours per year of Paid Sick Leave for a total of 80 hours. There is no cap on the maximum use per year. Sixteen hours of Paid Leave and 80 Hours of Paid Sick Leave may roll over. Any earned paid leave must be paid out at separation. Until July 1, 2024, Chicago workers will continue to earn one hour of paid sick leave for every 40 hours worked. 

Illinois Paid Leave 

Effective January 1, 2024, workers now earn one hour of paid leave to be used for any purpose for every 40 hours worked. Workers can accrue a maximum of 40 hours per year, which rolls over year to year. Employers may limit the maximum rollover amount to 80 hours. Accrued but unused leave does not need to be paid out at termination. 

Massachusetts Paid Leave 

Effective November 1, 2023, workers in Massachusetts are now allowed to utilize paid time off (e.g., sick time, vacation time, etc.) to supplement the benefits from the state. Workers can choose whether to utilize this paid time off as a supplement. They still cannot be required to use it. 

Minnesota Paid Leave 

Effective January 1, 2024, workers in Minnesota began to earn 1 hour of paid sick leave for every 48 hours worked. The maximum accrual and usage per year is 48 hours. However, any unused may roll over year to year for a maximum accrual bank of 80 hours. Accrued but unused sick leave need not be paid out at termination. 


Searching for More Details on Sick Days and PTO? 

For more information about sick leave in 2024, check out our Sick Leave Cheat Sheet