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  • Remote work trends what to expect in 2024

Remote Work Trends: What to Expect in 2024

Susanna Fleming
Post by Susanna Fleming
May 28, 2024
Remote Work Trends: What to Expect in 2024

Remote work is dealing with a PR problem. Once synonymous with working from pajamas and coffee shop hopping, it’s now at the center of a heated debate. As some companies call their teams back to the office, others are boldly reinventing the workplace.  

Key Takeaways 

  1. The Great Resistance is pushing back on return-to-office mandates. 
  2. Hybrid work models are gaining popularity. 
  3. Tech-related collaboration tools are on the rise.  
  4. Employee well-being is taking center stage.
  5. International hiring is skyrocketing.
  6. Sustainability is a common theme. 
  7. Access to digital trainings is crucial. 

Let’s explore a few trending conversations on the remote work front (and highlight how TCWGlobal can support your remote team!) 

1. The Great Resistance

The office comeback saga is real, and it’s filled with drama. After more than three years of fully remote work, many employees are firmly resisting return-to-office policies. Employers (rightfully so) are concerned with productivity and collaboration. Employees, on the other hand, resent the requirement to travel to the office to spend 80% of their days on Zoom meetings. Regardless of where you fall in the debate, it is interesting to consider this rapidly evolving cultural conversation and its effect on the workplace.  

For those managers who oversee contingent workers (part-time and full-time workers who are technically employed by an Employer of Record like TCWGlobal), navigating the dynamics of a partially remote, partially in-person workforce can be complicated (and legally tricky.) TCWGlobal is here to help you work to stay compliant and manage these challenges seamlessly!

2. Hybrid Work Models Take Center Stage

With the tug-of-war between remote and in-office work, many companies are finding a middle ground: hybrid work models. This approach offers flexibility, allowing employees to split their time between home and the office. It also promotes a balanced work-life dynamic while maintaining face-to-face collaboration. 

3. Tech-Driven Collaboration Tools

The rise of remote and hybrid work models has accelerated the development of advanced collaboration tools. From AI-powered project management platforms to virtual reality meeting spaces, technology is bridging the gap between remote workers and in-office teams. 

4. Focus on Employee Well-being

As remote work blurs the lines between personal and professional life, companies are prioritizing employee well-being more than ever. Mental health support, flexible schedules, and wellness programs are becoming standard. 

5. Global Talent Pool Expansion

Remote work has opened up the global talent pool, allowing companies to hire the best candidates regardless of location. This trend is reshaping recruitment strategies and promoting diverse, inclusive workplaces. As a global employer of record, TCWGlobal specializes in global payrolling and compliance, helping you tap into international talent while navigating the complexities of cross-border employment.

As a global employer of record, TCWGlobal specializes in global payrolling and compliance, helping you tap into international talent while navigating the complexities of cross-border employment.

6. Sustainability and Remote Work

Remote work is contributing to sustainability efforts by reducing commuting and office energy consumption. Companies are recognizing the environmental benefits and are incorporating remote work into their sustainability strategies.  

7. Continuous Learning and Development

With the rapid changes in work environments, continuous learning and development are crucial. Remote and hybrid workers need access to ongoing training to stay competitive and up-to-date with industry trends. 

Get Help Managing Your Remote Workforce 

Managing a hybrid or remote workforce can be challenging, particularly if that workforce crosses state or international lines. Luckily, TCWGlobal is here to help! We do everything from remote workforce management to workforce compliance, and we have some of the best benefits around. Our services also include Employer of Record (EOR) services, Managed Service Provider (MSP) solutions, Vendor Management Systems (VMS), and contractor compliance, ensuring seamless cross-border employment and adherence to labor laws.  

Check out our services or get a quick quote to learn more! 

Susanna Fleming
Post by Susanna Fleming
May 28, 2024