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How to Hire Workers in Liberia | Employer of Record (EOR) in Liberia

Complying with Liberia's labor laws and regulations is effortless with TCWGlobal's Employer of Record (EOR) services. We handle all employment aspects, such as payroll and benefits, ensuring compliance and efficiency. Our dedicated team supports your business needs specifically in Liberia. Expand into the Liberian market with confidence, knowing TCWGlobal is your trusted partner for employment management.


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Liberia presents promising opportunities for businesses seeking global expansion with its developing economy. TCWGlobal's Employer of Record (EOR) services in Liberia streamline the hiring process and manage your workforce effectively, ensuring compliance with local labor laws. With a population of over 5 million, Liberia has a diverse and industrious labor force. Our EOR services include payroll management, benefits administration, and comprehensive HR support, customized to your business needs. Partner with TCWGlobal to confidently grow your business in Liberia, leveraging our expertise in local employment laws and efficient workforce management.
Fixed-Term Contracts

Fixed-term contracts automatically terminate upon reaching the end date specified in the agreement, unless otherwise stipulated within the contract itself. Renewals of fixed-term contracts are permitted, but the total combined duration of renewals cannot exceed 18 months.

Probationary Periods

Probationary periods may not be less than 1 month and cannot exceed 3 months.


Liberia has 11public holidays.


The annual leave are 14 days for a full-time worker. These can include public holidays on top of that or within those days, which would otherwise be unpaid.

Sick Leave

Workers are entitled to 10 days paid sick leave for every year of continuous service with their company.

Working Hours

Working hours cannot exceed more than 8 hours per day or 48 hours a week. Work hours exceeding the daily working hours should be paid at the rate of 50% above the normal rate. Same rates apply for working on public holidays as well.


Companies may require a worker to work a maximum of 5 hours beyond ordinary hours of work in any week. Work hours exceeding the daily working hours should be paid at the rate of 50% above the normal rate. Same rates apply for working on public holidays as well.

Mandatory Bonuses

There is no legal requirement for companies to offer annual bonuses or a 13th/14th-month salary in Liberia.


A worker may be dismissed if he or she is guilty of a gross breach of duty or a total lack of capability to perform. A company may terminate the engagement contract provided that at least 2 weeks written notice is provided to a casual worker and 4 weeks to a salaried worker. Compensation in lieu of notice may be given. Workers guilty of a gross breach of duty may be terminated without notice or severance pay.

Other End of Employment Rules

Companies must provide a minimum notice period before terminating a worker, unless the worker has committed gross misconduct. The duration of the required notice period is contingent on the worker's length of service. For workers who have been employed for less than 3 months, a notice period of 1 week is required. Between 3 to 6 months, a notice period of 2 weeks is required. Between 6 to 12 months, a notice period of 3 weeks is required. More than 12 months, a notice period of 4 weeks is required.
Companies have the option to offer compensation. This involves providing worker with their regular salary for the notice period they would have otherwise been obligated to work.

Mandatory Employer Costs

Mandatory benefits include probationary period, annual leave, public holidays, paternity leave,
maternity leave, overtime pay, notice period, and severance pay. Statutory benefits also include social security benefits.


Benefits include Probationary Period, annual leave, public holidays, maternity leave, paternity leave, notice period, severance pay, social security benefits.


Workers are entitled to paid annual leave. During their first year, workers get 1 week. During the second year, 2 weeks. After 36 months of engagement, 3 weeks. After 60 months, workers get 4 weeks. Workers are entitled to 10 days of annual sick leave for every year of continuous service with their company. Women are entitled to a minimum of 14 weeks of paid maternity leave, provided that they take a minimum of 6 weeks immediately following the birth of their child. Workers also receive 5 unpaid days leave upon the birth of a child, which must be taken within 1 month from childbirth.

How an EOR Can Help You Win Fast

TCWGlobal stands unmatched as the leading employer of record service provider. Our global reach, expertise in diverse industries, and commitment to client satisfaction makes us the best choice. Looking for a global employer of record or international payrolling partner that will work with you and not for you? Trust TCWGlobal. We are here for you.

Common Pitfalls in Choosing an EOR

When choosing an Employer of Record (EOR) service, people often make mistakes such as overlooking compliance, global reach, technology integration, company experience, and fee transparency. Watch this video to see what to consider when picking an EOR.