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How to Hire Workers in Ukraine | Employer of Record (EOR) in Ukraine

Navigating the labor laws and regulations of Ukraine is made easy with our EOR services. We handle all aspects of local employment, ensuring compliance and smooth operations for your business. From payroll to benefits, our team provides comprehensive support tailored to meet the unique needs of your business in Ukraine. Expand into the Ukrainian market with confidence, knowing that you have a reliable partner managing your international employment needs.

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Ukraine, known for its rich history, diverse culture, and skilled workforce, is an attractive destination for businesses looking to expand internationally. TCWGlobal serves as your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of hiring in Ukraine, offering comprehensive solutions for building your contingent workforce.

With a population of over 41 million people, Ukraine boasts a large and educated workforce. From the historic streets of Kyiv to the beautiful Carpathian Mountains, the country offers a unique blend of culture and natural beauty.

When expanding your business into Ukraine, compliance with local regulations is crucial. TCWGlobal, as your employer of record, ensures that your contingent workforce is fully compliant, minimizing risks for your organization.

In addition to compliance, TCWGlobal provides personalized services tailored to your specific needs. Whether you require assistance with payrolling management, benefits administration, or any other aspect of HR, our team is dedicated to supporting you.

Partnering with TCWGlobal guarantees a seamless and successful expansion into Ukraine. Our expertise and local knowledge make us the ideal partner for businesses looking to establish a contingent workforce in this dynamic market.
Worker Classifications

There are no official subcategories of Workers in Ukraine.

Fixed-Term Contracts

Fixed term contracts are permitted in specific instances. If work continues after the end of a fixed term agreement, it will be deemed indefinite. Similarly, a fixed term agreement can be deemed indefinite if renewed or extended.

Probationary Periods

Probationary periods are permitted for indefinite contracts and must be specified in the employment agreement. They cannot be more than three months long. Fixed-term contracts for 12 months or less are not permitted to have probationary periods. There are protected classes of employees that a probationary period cannot be established in the case of employment (i.e. those under the age of eighteen, pregnant women, those with disabilities, and graduates of vocational or higher education institutions). During the probationary period, three days' notice is required to terminate an employment agreement.


In Ukraine, Workers recognize 11 public holidays per year. Work performed on a public holiday should be compensated at 200% or time off in lieu.2024:New Years Day - January 1Women's Day - March 8Labour Day - May 1 Orthodox Easter Day - May 5 Orthodox Easter Monday - May 6Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation - May 8 Orthodox Pentecost Monday - June 24Constitution Day - June 28Day of Ukrainian Statehood - July 15Independence Day - August 24Day of Defender - October 1 Christmas Day - December 25


After six months of service, most Workers are entitled to 24 calendar days of paid vacation each year. Some Workers (e.g. minors, those with disabilities, those in certain industries, etc.) are entitled to more. Accrued but unused vacation carries over year to year. Only some accrued vacation may be paid out rather than used. In any event, any accrued but unused vacation is payable at the end of the engagement.

Sick Leave

Workers are entitled to paid sick leave upon presentation of a sick leave certificate. Sick leave is paid to the Worker but may be reimbursable in full or part from the state from the sixth day forward. There is no cap on sick leave.

Working Hours

A regular workweek for most industries is 40 hours over five days. A standard working day includes an unpaid rest break not longer than two hours to begin after the fourth hour of work.


Overtime is only permitted in exceptional cases and may not exceed four hours on two consecutive days or 120 hours in a year. Overtime work is payable at 200%.

Mandatory Bonuses

There are no mandatory bonuses in Ukraine.


Termination is permitted for a limited number of reasons including unsuitability for the role. The rules surrounding termination vary depending upon the grounds for termination. Generally, two weeks' notice is required. (No notice is needed if there is mutual consent). Severance may also be due.


Two weeks' notice is required for resignation. Workers may also be entitled to severance if the resegnation is due to the employer's violation of employment laws or the employment contract.

Other End of Employment Rules

 If a Worker is laid off through no fault of their own (i.e. 'redundancy'), then they will be entitled to extended notice and severance generally equal to three months' average wages. There are also filing requirements in such instances.

How an EOR Can Help You Win Fast

TCWGlobal stands unmatched as the leading employer of record service provider. Our global reach, expertise in diverse industries, and commitment to client satisfaction makes us the best choice. Looking for a global employer of record or international payrolling partner that will work with you and not for you? Trust TCWGlobal. We are here for you.

Common Pitfalls in Choosing an EOR

When choosing an Employer of Record (EOR) service, people often make mistakes such as overlooking compliance, global reach, technology integration, company experience, and fee transparency. Watch this video to see what to consider when picking an EOR.