Submitting PTO and Time Off for International Employees

To request any personal time off (vacation, sick, annual leave, etc.), it’s important to notify your supervisor in advance, when possible. By following the below simple steps, you can seamlessly report time off requests to your supervisor and TCWGlobal, ensuring proper approval is received and on time processing.

*If you submit time off using WebCenter, please continue to do so. The below form is not needed if submitting via WebCenter. 

Request/Report Time Off 

As a best practice, to request/report time off, follow the below steps: 

  1. Review your employment contract to be aware of your time off entitlement.
    1. For example, you may be eligible for X amount of vacation days and it’s helpful for you to be aware of and plan your trips around that number 😊 
  2. Submit the time off request form. You'll include your information, your supervisor's email address for approval, the date(s) you are requesting time off, and a few other details. 
    1. When possible, submit this form a month prior to taking time off. This helps ensure necessary approvals are received for the following month's payroll
  3. Once submitted, the routes via email to yourself, your supervisor and TCWGlobal.
    1. This email is based off the information entered into the form, so please ensure accuracy of the information you provide.
  4. Once approved, TCWGlobal will process the dates for upcoming payroll.
  5. If you need to change the previously reported dates, notify TCWGlobal and your supervisor so we may update our records. You may use the same thread as your original submission. If you cannot locate that communication, resubmit the form and add a note on the page.

*Note, some client companies and our local country teams may have their own internal processes that time off must be submitted to. If this applies to your situation, please follow the guidance of your client supervisor or your local employer of record, in addition to submitting to TCWGlobal via our link. If ever unsure, contact and our team will be happy to help.   

What if I forget to submit Time off requests to TCWGlobal? 

If you submitted time off to your supervisor and forgot to notify TCWGlobal, please submit the time off form as soon as possible so the time off can be recorded in your file.  

TCWGlobal sends monthly reminders to all active workers to submit any time off. 😊 Additionally, we will reach out to direct supervisors for any outstanding items, too! We are committed to not missing any items for your engagement.  

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach us at or 858-810-3000.