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Navigate Compliance with Confidence!

Armed with a power-packed combination of seasoned experts and breakthrough technology.

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Misclassification Happens. We'll Help You Steer Clear.

We not only ensure compliance but also protect your business from risks associated with inexperience.

It's risky to entrust compliance responsibility to a company with little experience, as missteps can lead to penalties, damage to your reputation, and create potential operational disruptions. With almost 15 years in the business, we know more, because we've seen more. You can trust us.

Stay Compliant.
Stay Confident.

Browse a collection of compliance documents, including worker classifications, contracts, vacation policies, and more!

Compliance is important to Dwanye, he's here to help!

Compliance and Legal

  • Legal Expertise

    Don't let complex employment law issues overwhelm you. TCWGlobal is here to simplify the process and provide you with expert guidance. From mandatory leave laws to claims of employment discrimination, our legal team has the knowledge and experience to help you investigate and remain compliant. Our team partners with you to ensure our workers are treated appropriately no matter where they are doing the work. 

    Expert Compliance Solutions 

    Staying compliant with employment laws and regulations can be a daunting task. That's where TCWGlobal comes in. As an employer of record, we keep apprised of changes in employment law, and can help you manage complex compliance requirements, so you can focus on growing your business. Our team of experts keeps up with the latest updates from the Department of Labor and ensures that your business remains compliant in areas such as paid sick leave, mandated training, and employment discrimination.

    Tailored Solutions for Your Contingent Workforce

    Whether you have a contingent workforce, utilize the services of an employer of record, or utilize independent contractors, TCWGlobal has the expertise to help you navigate these unique employment or contractual arrangements. We understand the complexities involved and provide customized solutions to optimize your workforce management. Our solutions cover everything from contract review and negotiation to maintaining a contract repository.

    Partner with TCWGlobal

    We are the best company to help you manage employment law compliance for your business. Our team of legal experts has years of experience in employment law compliance. We stay up-to-date with the latest laws and regulations, ensuring that you receive accurate and timely advice. Reach out to our experts today to schedule a call and learn more about how TCWGlobal can help you navigate the complexities of contracts and compliance.

  • Independent Contractor Compliance and Management

    Are you struggling to navigate the complex world of independent contractor (IC) compliance? Look no further! TCWGlobal is here to provide you with expert guidance and solutions. We understand the importance of compliance when it comes to engaging ICs, and we have the expertise to help you stay on the right side of the law.

    Harness the Power of Independent Contractors

    Are you utilizing the services of ICs in your business? It's essential to comply with the regulations surrounding this classification. At TCWGlobal, we specialize in IC compliance, providing you with the peace of mind that your business is operating within the legal boundaries.

    Navigating Independent Contractor Compliance

    Staying compliant with independent contractor regulations can be a daunting task. Our team of experts understands the nuances of independent contractor compliance and can guide you through the process. From understanding how to assess whether your contractors are properly classified, to conducting the assessment using the appropriate and compliant test, we've got you covered.

    Compliance Solutions

    Business owners face a myriad of challenges when it comes to employment taxes, independent contractor compliance, and adhering to labor laws and regulations. TCWGlobal is your trusted partner in navigating these complexities. With our expert guidance, you can focus on what you do best while we handle the compliance side of things.

    Unraveling Worker Misclassification

    Worker misclassification can lead to significant legal and financial consequences for businesses. TCWGlobal is here to help you avoid misclassification pitfalls. We'll work with you to ensure your workers are properly classified, mitigating the risk of costly penalties and lawsuits.

    Independent Contracting Done Right

    Independent contracting offers tremendous flexibility and benefits, but it also raises important compliance considerations. TCWGlobal understands the ins and outs of IC regulations. Let us guide you through the complexities, allowing you to fully embrace the advantages of utilizing an Independent Contractor.

    The Right Solutions for Your Workforce

    Every business has its unique workforce needs. Whether you have a contingent workforce, utilize the services of an employer of record, or have a mix of traditional employees, contingent workers, and independent contractors, TCWGlobal has the right solutions for you. Our tailored approach ensures compliance while optimizing your workforce's efficiency.

    Discover the TCWGlobal Advantage

    Why choose TCWGlobal? Our team of compliance experts has years of experience in helping businesses navigate the complexities of IC compliance and independent contract management. We stay up-to-date with the latest laws and regulations, ensuring that you receive accurate and timely advice. Reach out to our experts today to schedule a call and learn more about how TCWGlobal can help you succeed in managing all these critical areas.

    Don't let compliance, remote work regulations, or worker classification keep you up at night. Contact us today and discover how TCWGlobal can make a difference for your business.

  • Payment Management

    Managing payroll services for a contingent workforce can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. TCWGlobal is here to simplify the process and help you navigate the complexities of payroll processing for your contingent workforce. Our comprehensive solutions are designed to streamline your contingent workforce payroll approval processes, saving you time and resources.

    Support for Compensating Independent Contractors and Temporary Workers

    Are you utilizing independent contractors or engaging temporary workers? TCWGlobal specializes in invoice management for Independent Contractors and payroll processing for temporary workers. For temporary workers, we ensure timely and accurate payments, handle workers' compensation, and provide support with health insurance options. With TCWGlobal, you can take care of your workforce and maintain compliance effortlessly.

    Your Trusted Payrolling Partner

    TCWGlobal is your go-to payrolling company. With years of experience and a team of dedicated experts, we are committed to providing top-notch services that meet your unique needs. Whether you're a small business owner or an established organization looking to grow your workforce with contingent workers, TCWGlobal will ensure the workers are paid accurately and with efficiency and precision.

    Discover the TCWGlobal Advantage

    Why choose TCWGlobal for payrolling services? Our track record speaks for itself. We offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to your specific requirements. Our team is well-versed in compliance, tax regulations, and social security obligations, ensuring your contingent worker payroll is in safe hands.

    Let TCWGlobal Simplify Your Payrolling Process

    Managing payroll for your contingent workforce doesn't have to be a headache. TCWGlobal is here to simplify the process for you. As an employer of record, we handle all aspects of payroll for your contingent workers, so you can focus on growing your business. Reach out to our experts today to schedule a call and learn more about how TCWGlobal can help you manage all these areas with ease.

  • Documentation and Program Development

    You're not alone if you've felt lost in the sea of compliance and paperwork that comes with managing a contingent workforce. Well, that's where we step in. At TCWGlobal, we're experts in managing comprehensive contingent workforce programs. Our priority? Ensuring your contingent workforce management is compliant, making your work with us headache-free.

    Getting the Updates You Need

    Do you know what's better than being compliant? Staying compliant! Laws are ever-changing, but don't worry, we've got your back. Our notification updates service keeps you in the loop with regular updates on laws and best practices. So sit back, relax, and leave the legal mumbo-jumbo to us.

    Standardization and Program Effectiveness

    We're like the Avengers of standardization and program effectiveness. Not only do we share best practices, but we also develop customized workflows that fit your organization like a glove. You can count on us to streamline your processes while enhancing your program's effectiveness.

    Employer of Record (EOR) Services

    When it comes to the nitty-gritty of employment law, health insurance, payroll, benefits, and local taxes, TCWGlobal shines as your go-to employer of record (EOR). Whether you're operating locally or stretching your wings internationally, our EOR services ensure compliance across multiple countries. We're the global employment aficionados!

    Amazing Benefits Packages:

    At TCWGlobal, we believe a happy worker is a productive one, and nothing says happiness quite like a stellar benefits package. We curate benefits packages that cover health insurance, dental and vision coverage, and much more. We're here to ensure your workers feel valued, always.

    The Global Expert in Contingent Workforce Strategy:

    Whether you're managing local entities, or a contingent workforce, we're experts in all things employment. Our global employment strategies cover employment contracts, legal employment, and everything in between. With us, you're choosing a partner that truly understands international employment inside and out.

    Excited yet?

    We sure hope so. TCWGlobal is more than just a company; we're a dedicated partner committed to helping you navigate the maze of legal compliance and employment documentation. Our experts are always eager to chat, share their knowledge, and tailor solutions that fit your needs. So why wait? Reach out, schedule a call, or learn more from one of our experts today. Remember, we're not just about getting things done; we're about getting them done right!

  • Worker Engagement and Retention

    When it comes to keeping your workforce satisfied, we've got the knack. Our passion is worker satisfaction, and we've built exceptional systems and services to make retention a cakewalk. Say goodbye to high worker turnover and hello to a team that's engaged, productive, and, best of all, sticking around!

    Culture Club – It’s Not Just an '80s Band

    We believe a strong company culture is the beating heart of any successful organization. That's why we're big on cultural engagement. We work with our clients to ensure their workers are provided what they need to feel like they're part of the team. We also believe in providing our workers with top notch benefits of all kinds - just one of the reasons  TCWGlobal has been voted best to work six times. 

    Putting Engagement in the Driver’s Seat

    What are the drivers of worker engagement? Whether it's through regular video calls, video conferencing across time zones, or ensuring work-life balance with remote workers, we're committed to keeping your contingent workforce engaged and motivated. Because, at the end of the day, high engagement equals better business outcomes. See how to engage a remote workforce. Get our white paper now!

    Worker Experience – The Not-So-Secret Ingredient

    Want to know the secret sauce to worker retention? It's all about the experience. From the moment workers clock in, we're there to ensure they feel valued and heard. We focus on job satisfaction, and make it our mission to work with clients to improve contingent worker engagement. The result? Workers who love what they do and where they do it!

    Catching (and Keeping!) Top Talent

    We understand that finding top talent is only half the battle. The real challenge? Keeping them! We can help you not only retain workers but also transform them into enthusiastic ambassadors for your brand. Our secret? A focus on maintaining a healthy work environment, nurturing remote worker engagement, and keeping job satisfaction high.

    Empower Your Remote Workforce

    In today's rapidly evolving work landscape, remote work has become the new norm. But managing a remote workforce comes with its own set of challenges. That's where TCWGlobal comes in. Our comprehensive solutions are designed to support your remote workers, ensuring they are engaged  and feel like part of the team.

    Reach Out Today – Let's Boost Engagement Together!

    Engagement and worker retention don't have to be complex puzzles. With TCWGlobal, they can be enjoyable, rewarding experiences. Our team is ready to chat, and help you build a workforce that's engaged, satisfied, and here to stay. So why wait? Schedule a call with one of our experts today. Let’s turn your company into a place where top talent thrives, and success is a given!

Legal Expertise

Don't let complex employment law issues overwhelm you. TCWGlobal is here to simplify the process and provide you with expert guidance. From mandatory leave laws to claims of employment discrimination, our legal team has the knowledge and experience to help you investigate and remain compliant. Our team partners with you to ensure our workers are treated appropriately no matter where they are doing the work. 

Expert Compliance Solutions 

Staying compliant with employment laws and regulations can be a daunting task. That's where TCWGlobal comes in. As an employer of record, we keep apprised of changes in employment law, and can help you manage complex compliance requirements, so you can focus on growing your business. Our team of experts keeps up with the latest updates from the Department of Labor and ensures that your business remains compliant in areas such as paid sick leave, mandated training, and employment discrimination.

Tailored Solutions for Your Contingent Workforce

Whether you have a contingent workforce, utilize the services of an employer of record, or utilize independent contractors, TCWGlobal has the expertise to help you navigate these unique employment or contractual arrangements. We understand the complexities involved and provide customized solutions to optimize your workforce management. Our solutions cover everything from contract review and negotiation to maintaining a contract repository.

Partner with TCWGlobal

We are the best company to help you manage employment law compliance for your business. Our team of legal experts has years of experience in employment law compliance. We stay up-to-date with the latest laws and regulations, ensuring that you receive accurate and timely advice. Reach out to our experts today to schedule a call and learn more about how TCWGlobal can help you navigate the complexities of contracts and compliance.

Independent Contractor Compliance and Management

Are you struggling to navigate the complex world of independent contractor (IC) compliance? Look no further! TCWGlobal is here to provide you with expert guidance and solutions. We understand the importance of compliance when it comes to engaging ICs, and we have the expertise to help you stay on the right side of the law.

Harness the Power of Independent Contractors

Are you utilizing the services of ICs in your business? It's essential to comply with the regulations surrounding this classification. At TCWGlobal, we specialize in IC compliance, providing you with the peace of mind that your business is operating within the legal boundaries.

Navigating Independent Contractor Compliance

Staying compliant with independent contractor regulations can be a daunting task. Our team of experts understands the nuances of independent contractor compliance and can guide you through the process. From understanding how to assess whether your contractors are properly classified, to conducting the assessment using the appropriate and compliant test, we've got you covered.

Compliance Solutions

Business owners face a myriad of challenges when it comes to employment taxes, independent contractor compliance, and adhering to labor laws and regulations. TCWGlobal is your trusted partner in navigating these complexities. With our expert guidance, you can focus on what you do best while we handle the compliance side of things.

Unraveling Worker Misclassification

Worker misclassification can lead to significant legal and financial consequences for businesses. TCWGlobal is here to help you avoid misclassification pitfalls. We'll work with you to ensure your workers are properly classified, mitigating the risk of costly penalties and lawsuits.

Independent Contracting Done Right

Independent contracting offers tremendous flexibility and benefits, but it also raises important compliance considerations. TCWGlobal understands the ins and outs of IC regulations. Let us guide you through the complexities, allowing you to fully embrace the advantages of utilizing an Independent Contractor.

The Right Solutions for Your Workforce

Every business has its unique workforce needs. Whether you have a contingent workforce, utilize the services of an employer of record, or have a mix of traditional employees, contingent workers, and independent contractors, TCWGlobal has the right solutions for you. Our tailored approach ensures compliance while optimizing your workforce's efficiency.

Discover the TCWGlobal Advantage

Why choose TCWGlobal? Our team of compliance experts has years of experience in helping businesses navigate the complexities of IC compliance and independent contract management. We stay up-to-date with the latest laws and regulations, ensuring that you receive accurate and timely advice. Reach out to our experts today to schedule a call and learn more about how TCWGlobal can help you succeed in managing all these critical areas.

Don't let compliance, remote work regulations, or worker classification keep you up at night. Contact us today and discover how TCWGlobal can make a difference for your business.

Payment Management

Managing payroll services for a contingent workforce can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. TCWGlobal is here to simplify the process and help you navigate the complexities of payroll processing for your contingent workforce. Our comprehensive solutions are designed to streamline your contingent workforce payroll approval processes, saving you time and resources.

Support for Compensating Independent Contractors and Temporary Workers

Are you utilizing independent contractors or engaging temporary workers? TCWGlobal specializes in invoice management for Independent Contractors and payroll processing for temporary workers. For temporary workers, we ensure timely and accurate payments, handle workers' compensation, and provide support with health insurance options. With TCWGlobal, you can take care of your workforce and maintain compliance effortlessly.

Your Trusted Payrolling Partner

TCWGlobal is your go-to payrolling company. With years of experience and a team of dedicated experts, we are committed to providing top-notch services that meet your unique needs. Whether you're a small business owner or an established organization looking to grow your workforce with contingent workers, TCWGlobal will ensure the workers are paid accurately and with efficiency and precision.

Discover the TCWGlobal Advantage

Why choose TCWGlobal for payrolling services? Our track record speaks for itself. We offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to your specific requirements. Our team is well-versed in compliance, tax regulations, and social security obligations, ensuring your contingent worker payroll is in safe hands.

Let TCWGlobal Simplify Your Payrolling Process

Managing payroll for your contingent workforce doesn't have to be a headache. TCWGlobal is here to simplify the process for you. As an employer of record, we handle all aspects of payroll for your contingent workers, so you can focus on growing your business. Reach out to our experts today to schedule a call and learn more about how TCWGlobal can help you manage all these areas with ease.

Documentation and Program Development

You're not alone if you've felt lost in the sea of compliance and paperwork that comes with managing a contingent workforce. Well, that's where we step in. At TCWGlobal, we're experts in managing comprehensive contingent workforce programs. Our priority? Ensuring your contingent workforce management is compliant, making your work with us headache-free.

Getting the Updates You Need

Do you know what's better than being compliant? Staying compliant! Laws are ever-changing, but don't worry, we've got your back. Our notification updates service keeps you in the loop with regular updates on laws and best practices. So sit back, relax, and leave the legal mumbo-jumbo to us.

Standardization and Program Effectiveness

We're like the Avengers of standardization and program effectiveness. Not only do we share best practices, but we also develop customized workflows that fit your organization like a glove. You can count on us to streamline your processes while enhancing your program's effectiveness.

Employer of Record (EOR) Services

When it comes to the nitty-gritty of employment law, health insurance, payroll, benefits, and local taxes, TCWGlobal shines as your go-to employer of record (EOR). Whether you're operating locally or stretching your wings internationally, our EOR services ensure compliance across multiple countries. We're the global employment aficionados!

Amazing Benefits Packages:

At TCWGlobal, we believe a happy worker is a productive one, and nothing says happiness quite like a stellar benefits package. We curate benefits packages that cover health insurance, dental and vision coverage, and much more. We're here to ensure your workers feel valued, always.

The Global Expert in Contingent Workforce Strategy:

Whether you're managing local entities, or a contingent workforce, we're experts in all things employment. Our global employment strategies cover employment contracts, legal employment, and everything in between. With us, you're choosing a partner that truly understands international employment inside and out.

Excited yet?

We sure hope so. TCWGlobal is more than just a company; we're a dedicated partner committed to helping you navigate the maze of legal compliance and employment documentation. Our experts are always eager to chat, share their knowledge, and tailor solutions that fit your needs. So why wait? Reach out, schedule a call, or learn more from one of our experts today. Remember, we're not just about getting things done; we're about getting them done right!

Worker Engagement and Retention

When it comes to keeping your workforce satisfied, we've got the knack. Our passion is worker satisfaction, and we've built exceptional systems and services to make retention a cakewalk. Say goodbye to high worker turnover and hello to a team that's engaged, productive, and, best of all, sticking around!

Culture Club – It’s Not Just an '80s Band

We believe a strong company culture is the beating heart of any successful organization. That's why we're big on cultural engagement. We work with our clients to ensure their workers are provided what they need to feel like they're part of the team. We also believe in providing our workers with top notch benefits of all kinds - just one of the reasons  TCWGlobal has been voted best to work six times. 

Putting Engagement in the Driver’s Seat

What are the drivers of worker engagement? Whether it's through regular video calls, video conferencing across time zones, or ensuring work-life balance with remote workers, we're committed to keeping your contingent workforce engaged and motivated. Because, at the end of the day, high engagement equals better business outcomes. See how to engage a remote workforce. Get our white paper now!

Worker Experience – The Not-So-Secret Ingredient

Want to know the secret sauce to worker retention? It's all about the experience. From the moment workers clock in, we're there to ensure they feel valued and heard. We focus on job satisfaction, and make it our mission to work with clients to improve contingent worker engagement. The result? Workers who love what they do and where they do it!

Catching (and Keeping!) Top Talent

We understand that finding top talent is only half the battle. The real challenge? Keeping them! We can help you not only retain workers but also transform them into enthusiastic ambassadors for your brand. Our secret? A focus on maintaining a healthy work environment, nurturing remote worker engagement, and keeping job satisfaction high.

Empower Your Remote Workforce

In today's rapidly evolving work landscape, remote work has become the new norm. But managing a remote workforce comes with its own set of challenges. That's where TCWGlobal comes in. Our comprehensive solutions are designed to support your remote workers, ensuring they are engaged  and feel like part of the team.

Reach Out Today – Let's Boost Engagement Together!

Engagement and worker retention don't have to be complex puzzles. With TCWGlobal, they can be enjoyable, rewarding experiences. Our team is ready to chat, and help you build a workforce that's engaged, satisfied, and here to stay. So why wait? Schedule a call with one of our experts today. Let’s turn your company into a place where top talent thrives, and success is a given!

How Does Compliance Work?

It's easy as 1-2-3!



Project Data & Candidate Data

Evaluate Roles

Evaluate Project & Candidate

Written Determination

Notify Contractor & Onboard as IC or W-2

What is Pay Transparency

If companies fail to include pay ranges in their job postings in California, Colorado, and other places around the globe, workers have the option to file a lawsuit or a complaint with the Labor Commissioner's Office, which may result in a penalty ranging from $100 to $10,000 per violation.  Here's how to protect yourself and your company. 

Let's Talk Now!

Ensuring legal compliance and accurate employee classification is no small feat. It's complex, time-consuming, and if overlooked, could land you in a whirlpool of penalties, audits, and litigation.

Schedule a meeting today to have us assess your risks and vulnerabilities. 

TCWGlobal worker on the operations team smiling away from the camera while working on a laptop
Screenshot of TCWGlobal's VMS Software

Contingent Workforce Management Services

Unleash global talent with our hassle-free payrolling and staffing services.

Tap into global talent effortlessly. As the employer of record, we handle liability, governance, and compliance. Say goodbye to administrative burdens. Contact us now.